Are you remodeling your patio? If so, you’ll want to consider replacing or upgrading your current flooring. Old patio flooring is often an eyesore, and it can be dangerous if left to deteriorate.
Flooring for patios has come a long way since the days of stone pavers and plain concrete. While these materials are still relatively popular, there are tougher and longer-lasting options that may suit your needs.
To start things off, let’s review some of the most common patio flooring materials. After all, it can be challenging to choose the best type of flooring if you’re not sure what your options are.
Generally, the most popular flooring materials for patios are:
- Stone Pavers
- Concrete
- Epoxy
- Polyurea
Each one of these options has specific advantages and disadvantages. Understanding these benefits and drawbacks can help you decide which material to use for your new patio floors.
Stone pavers come in a variety of shapes and sizes. They’re often designed to be placed closely together, although you could also choose to stagger them. This material is often left unsealed and unsecured.
The primary benefits of stone pavers are their low prices and ease of installation. You could place as many or as few stone pavers as you like, and they come in several different colors and styles.
However, because most stone pavers sit on the dirt, they can be challenging to keep clean. Additionally, stone pavers can decay and erode over time, especially in humid or wet environments.
To keep your shoes and toes clean and safe, you may want to upgrade to the next common patio flooring type, concrete.
Concrete is just as affordable as stone pavers, but it can be slightly more challenging to work with. Flooring installation companies may need several days to measure and pour a concrete patio floor.
Additionally, poor weather can affect the quality of finished concrete. If the weather is hot and rainy while you’re pouring and casting your new floor, the resulting concrete could be weak or prone to cracking.
That said, professional installation companies tend to avoid most of the common issues associated with concrete installation. Their depth of experience ensures a clean pour and set every time.
But unsealed concrete can still deteriorate over time, even if it is expertly installed. That’s why many homeowners choose a sealant option for their concrete patio flooring.
Epoxy resin is a relatively popular choice for patio flooring sealant, especially because it offers unique flooring patterns and colors. But the main goal of an epoxy floor is protection.
When you’re determined to protect your concrete flooring from decay, you might opt for epoxy. However, it’s crucial to note that epoxy sealants aren’t your only option. Additionally, they might be the wrong choice for your patio.
Epoxy is often lauded as one of the strongest sealants for concrete floors, but polyurea is far tougher. And unlike epoxy, it won’t discolor after prolonged exposure to sunlight.
When you choose a polyurea coating, you’re choosing maximum durability and lifespan for your patio flooring. This type of coating is resistant to moisture, stains, and cracking.

When choosing new flooring for patios, you’ll want to consider long-term costs and maintenance. After all, each flooring material has a specific lifespan, and some are shorter-lived than others.
Additionally, some materials are more challenging to keep clean. Unsealed stone pavers, for example, can become a haven for weeds, insects, and much more. Plain concrete easily stains and can decay in wet weather.
The easiest materials in terms of maintenance and cleaning tend to be epoxy and polyurea options. Both are fairly durable and water-resistant. However, those living in sunny areas may want to avoid epoxy surfaces.
That’s because epoxy coatings can discolor after exposure to UV light. Because most patios are sunny places, it’s wise to choose a flooring material that stands up to sunlight, like polyurea.
For a professional-quality finish, you’ll need to choose a top-notch flooring installation company. The right option often depends on your chosen materials.
For example, some flooring installation companies specifically work with epoxy, concrete, or polyurea. To enjoy a flawless patio floor, you’ll need to choose a company that has plenty of experience with your chosen material.
Additionally, it’s crucial to consider the installation method associated with your flooring material. Stone pavers can be placed and secured over the course of a single day, but epoxy or concrete flooring may take longer.
It’s also wise to compare costs before settling on specific flooring materials or an installation company. After all, you won’t want to miss out on great deals and flooring specials in your area.
The average cost to replace patio flooring is about $14 per square foot. Naturally, prices vary depending on the size of the patio area, the chosen flooring material, and the installation company.
Still, homeowners can potentially lower their overall flooring costs by choosing a material that is easy to clean and maintain. After all, it’s vital to consider long-term flooring costs in addition to initial costs.
While concrete and stone might be the simplest and most affordable solutions in terms of installation, they can be costly over time. That’s because unsealed stone and concrete are prone to cracks and decay.
The best flooring for patios tends to be concrete sealed with polyurea. While epoxy is a relatively popular option, it’s prone to staining and discoloration. Polyurea coatings, on the other hand, retain their gorgeous shine.
When choosing a new flooring type for your patio, you’ll want to consider durability, maintenance, and aesthetics. The best possible option should be tough, easy to keep clean, and good-looking.
If you’re ready to enjoy a long-lasting patio floor, you’ll want to contact us today and book an appointment. We look forward to hearing from you!